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Return and Cancellation Policy

The products purchased from are of the highest quality. There is no return policy in Personalized products and toys too IF, Product is damaged. Incorrect size of product. which the delivered size of the product does not match with the product size that was ordered. in this case we want opening video of your gift product, if your opening video is perfect in that case, we can exchange your product. you have any query u can contact us with mail or what’s app.


Product Cancellations

Product orders can be cancelled easily. Product order can be cancelled before the shipment of the product takes place. Also, your amount would be refunded. You can simply cancel your order by clicking on cancel order in my cart segment.


Policies related to Refunds

Your refund will be initiated within 4 business days. Your refund will be initiated and credited to the account which you used to make the payment. A time of 7-8 days would be required to credit the amount to your account after the refund is authorized and initiated.
